Experiências fotográficas em filme e outras analogias...

Klara looking into the viewfinder of her Rolleiflex.

Pintou na home do WordPress.com esse blog e resolvi dar uma olhada e descobri um relato de 1 ano de fotografia nas ruas de várias cidades incluindo Berlim, Latvia, nas lentes de câmeras como essa Rolleiflex. A autora, Klara Yoon, fotografa tanto com digital quanto analógica, mas independente da mídia as imagens são demais!

Nas palavras da autora:

Hello, my name is Klara, I live in Berlin and photograph these streets I call home. I carry a camera with me most of the time, I use both analog and digital, although digital has taken a bit over lately. After having neglected film for a long time, I’ve recently fallen in love with film and the smell of fixer again.

I love to capture people and their interactions, and I do not want to hurt anybody by taking their picture. I have great respect for my subjects. Still, if you recognize yourself in one of my photos and you don’t want it to be published, let me know and I will take it down. If you recognize yourself and you do like what you see, let me know I will send you a digital file or a print.

Vale a pena a visita. Inspire-se!


• Klara´s Street | Street Photography From Berlin

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